Community Outreach
In our mission to provide equal access to the phone system for all Montanans, the Montana Accessible Communications (MTAC) and Montana Relay work to educate communities across our state about Relay calling options, assistive telecommunications equipment, and other communication-enhancing solutions.
Free Information Sessions
Contact us to request a FREE presentation for your school, group, or organization to learn more about MTAC and Montana Relay. Presentation topics can be custom-tailored to your unique audience, but can include:
- Montana Relay’s diverse calling solutions and how to identify the most appropriate service for you or your loved one
- Placing and receiving calls through Montana Relay
- Assistive telecommunications equipment options for people who are unable to use a standard telephone
- How to apply and qualify for no-cost assistive telecommunications equipment through MTAC
- Captioned Telephone (CapTel®) for seniors—the benefits, how it works, and how to get a CapTel phone in your home or office
Community Events

You can find MTAC and Montana Relay exhibiting at health fairs, festivals, conferences, and other events across the state all year long. During these events, stop by our table to speak to our outreach coordinators and learn how we can serve you. Follow us on Facebook to see when we’ll be at an event near you.
Relay Friendly Businesses Program
Businesses that are unfamiliar with Montana Relay often accidentally hang up on Relay callers, due to misunderstanding of how a relay call works.
Montana’s Relay Friendly Business Program offers FREE training designed to eliminate these missed connections by educating businesses on how to identify, receive, and place Relay calls. The program is open to all Montana-based businesses and includes FREE staff training and marketing support to help you promote your business to Relay users. Training is live and on-line, for your convenience. Montana’s Relay Friendly Businesses will receive a decal to place in their storefront window, a listing on our website as a “Relay Friendly Business,” and a certificate of completion.
Sign up to become a Relay Friendly Business and be added to the list for our next statewide Relay Friendly Business training.
Congratulations to the following businesses/organizations in Montana who have been certified as Relay Friendly:
- Ability Montana in Southwestern Montana
- Blackfoot Communications in Western Montana
- Bridge Hearing Center, in Belgrade
- Carbon County Public Health Department in Red Lodge
- Gallatin City-County Health Department in Bozeman
- Hide & Sole in Missoula
- Integrity Property Management in Kalispell
- Libby Job Service in Libby
- Rocky’s Agency on Aging in Helena
- Rocky Mountain Development Council in Helena
- Sanders County Coalition For Families in Thompson Falls
- Siyeh Communications in Browning
- Solar Montana in Helena
- Top Gun Auto Body in Helena
- WGM Group in Missoula
- Whitehall Drug
We appreciate their dedication to serving ALL Montanans!
Contact us to learn more about Montana Relay Friendly Business Program.
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