Behavioral Health System for Future Generations Request for Information

Request for Information (RFI)

DPHHS solicited information and feedback from stakeholders across Montana, including patients, family members, advocates, and/or providers.   The Department and the BHSFG Commission will use the feedback to better understand challenges and develop potential initiatives.  RFI responders provided information either by:

  1. completing an informal RFI using the Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Service System Impact Form, or
  2. responding to a formal RFI titled Improvements to Behavioral Health and Developmental Services in Montana Request for Information via the state of Montana’s electronic procurement system.

A summary report of the information received via the request for information is available.

Frequently Asked Questions

All informal responses are available via an excel workbook.

All formal responses are available via an excel workbook.

The Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Service System Impact Form was an easy-to-use online form which includes the following questions/information prompts:

  1. “What do you see as the greatest opportunity to rapidly impact the behavioral health services in Montana?”,
  2. “What do you see as the top challenges with behavioral health service delivery in Montana?”,
  3. “What do you see as the greatest opportunity to rapidly impact the developmental disabilities service system in Montana?”, and
  4. “What do you see as top challenges with developmental disabilities service system in Montana today?”
  5. ‘Other comments?”

The Improvements to Behavioral Health and Developmental Services in Montana RFI is a formal request for information issued via the state’s electronical procurement software.   This RFI sought input on actions that could be taken in calendar years 2023, 2024, and 2025 that would provide stabilization, improvement, or increases in quality services available to individuals with a behavioral health and/or developmental disability diagnosis.  The RFI included following questions/information prompts:

Please answer the following questions regarding behavioral healthcare services: 

  1. What are the top three challenges with outpatient (including intensive outpatient) behavioral health service delivery in Montana today?  
  2. What are the top three challenges with inpatient behavioral health service delivery in Montana today? 
  3. In addition to Medicaid provider rate increases currently being implemented by DPHHS, what do you see as the greatest opportunity to rapidly impact behavioral health services in Montana?   
  4.  How can investments in the following play a role in improving behavioral health in Montana: 
    1. peer support specialists,  
    2. community health workers, and  
    3. direct care workers.
  5. Provide any additional comments about what is needed to benefit behavioral health service delivery in Montana.   

Please answer the following questions regarding services for individuals with developmental disabilities:  

  1. What are the top three challenges with developmental disabilities service delivery in Montana today? 
  2. In addition to the provider rate increases currently being implemented by DPHHS, what do you see as the greatest opportunities to rapidly impact developmental disabilities services in Montana?  
  3. How can investments in the following play a role in improving developmental disabilities services in Montana: 
    1. peer support specialists,
    2. community health workers, and/or
    3. direct care worker. 
  4. Provide any additional comments about what is needed to benefit developmental disabilities service delivery in Montana.

Please answer the following questions regarding workforce and consumer/client access: 

  1. What policies or process changes would encourage greater behavioral health and/or developmental disabilities service provider participation in Medicaid and CHIP? 
  2. What policies would best incentivize behavioral health and/or developmental disabilities service providers to train and practice in rural and other underserved areas? 
  3. What policies could improve and ensure equitable access to and quality of care in behavioral health and/or developmental disabilities services for minority populations and geographically underserved communities? 
  4. Provide any additional comments about what is needed to improve workforce and access in the behavioral health and/or developmental disabilities service system in Montana.