Choose Safe Places

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The Montana Choose Safe Places program was established in 2017 through the APPLETREE grant. The program's goals are to prevent, reduce, and eliminate environmental exposures to children and staff at childcare centers and ensure that daycare centers are free of environmental hazards through site screening and environmental testing.

What is safe siting?

Safe siting is the practice of ensuring that daycare centers are free of environmental hazards.  To achieve safe siting, DPHHS or daycare providers screen current and potential future facility properties to identify and address environmental hazards from natural, historic, or current industrial and agricultural activities.

How does the Montana Choose Safe Places Program Work?

The Montana Choose Safe Places Program offers free services for childcare providers interested in ensuring that their facility is safe and free of environmental hazards.

  1. Review the ways in which childcare centers can participate in the program, and complete the interest form(s) that corresponds with the offer(s) you are interested in. Choose Safe Places Program staff recommend that all childcare centers complete site assessments.
  2. Complete environmental screening, as needed.

Why should I participate in the Montana Choose Safe Places program?

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  1. Environmental hazards are not always apparent. Choose Safe Places Program staff are trained to identify environmental dangers on and around your site.
  2. Children are more susceptible to harmful substances. Exposure to toxic chemicals can disrupt development, learning, and behavior.
  3. Participation makes good business sense. By completing a site assessment through the CSPECE program daycare centers can be proactive about ensuring that their site is safe from hazardous environmental exposures.

How do I participate?

Visit our Program Participation page to fill out an interest form, email, or call 406-444-3284