Community AED


Public Access Defibrillation Program Registration

  1. Register the location of every AED with PulsePoint. 
  2. Complete the Notification Form and provide it to the local ambulance service(s) and dispatch center(s) to inform them of the location of AED(s) and your program contact information.
  3. Develop a written plan for your AED program that addresses AED use, maintenance/upkeep, and user training. (Example AED program plan)
    • As part of your plan, monthly AED inspections are required. Keep records of all maintenance performed. (Example inspection form)
  4. Register your AED program plan with DPHHS.
  5. An electronic incident report is REQUIRED each time an AED is used (pads placed on a patient). 
    • The DPHHS medical director will serve as the supervisor for all devices. Device usage reports will be reviewed by the medical director and/or designees within DPHHS for feedback and QI purposes.

Benefits of Registration

Registration helps entities be successful by assuring the entity is integrated with dispatch and EMS response, people are trained to use the AED, the AEDs are maintained and in working order, and medical oversight is in place to assure patients receive the best care possible. 

An important benefit for registered entities is that Montana law provides liability protections and immunity from civil liability to:

  • An individual who provides emergency care or treatment by using an AED
  • An individual providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation to an individual upon whom an AED is or may be used
  • The entity responsible for the AED program 
  • An individual providing training to others on the use of an AED


Additional Resources