Older Montanans

Faith communities are a multigenerational cornerstone of mankind. They can play an important role in the lives of our legacy-making older Montanans whose hard work and determination have made our state a great place to call home. Below is a list of resources and ideas for how your congregation or organization can partner with DPHHS in service to older Montanans in your community.

Senior centers are among the most frequented locations where older Montanans gather and socialize and have become even more important as early retirement rates increase. Your congregation can help expand opportunities for seniors to stay connected with their communities by providing classes, programming, and volunteer options.

The DPHHS Aging Services Bureau contracts with ten Area Agencies on Aging, which are responsible for administering Older Americans Act programs. Contact your Area Agency on Aging today: Montana Area Agencies on Aging 

For more information on resources for Older Montanans, visit the links below: